Providence Worship Devotion via Video – Sent out by Email
Worship with us via video any time that suits your schedule! This day is also Mother's Day.
Worship with us via video any time that suits your schedule! This day is also Mother's Day.
Our in-person worship resumes with strict COVID-19 precautions in place. Please find a full listing of these precautions under our NEWS tab. Our service will be video-taped and sent out via email in the early afternoon.
Session meets after worship in Fellowship Hall.
We are delighted to "host" this staycation Bible school this coming week!  Christian Education Elder, Marti Wunsh, and veteran teacher, Laura Spicer, have adapted a curriculum written by Kelly Kaufman for The Presbyterian Outlook.  This program allows kids to enjoy Bible stories and activities at home while being reminded that their feet can always follow Jesus
Most of our "Staycation Kits" have been picked up and all is ready to go! Please tune in each morning for our Bible story of the day. YOUR feet were made for following Jesus! We can't wait to see how YOUR feet travel!
In person worship service at 11am in our sanctuary, with overflow in our Fellowship Hall. Strict COVID-19 precautions are in place. Â Please find a listing of these precautions in the NEWS page of this website. We videotape our service and send out an unedited version via email to our members and friends.
Welcome to STAYCATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAY 1! Awesome are your feet ... they FOLLOW Jesus! Our Theme verse today is Matthew 4:19: "And Jesus said to them, follow me and I will make you fish for people." Today Maggie provides us with an introduction and Andrea presents our first Bible story - click on the
Welcome to STAYCATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAY 2! Awesome are your feet ... they TRUST Jesus! Our theme verse today is from Matthew 14:22-33: Â "But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, 'take heart, it is I, do not be afraid.'" Today the Chenault girls - Olivia, Nikki, and Callie - tell us the story of
Welcome to STAYCATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAY 3! Awesome are your feet ... they PRAY with Jesus! Our theme verse today is Joshua 24:15b: Â "As for me and my house, we will love and serve the Lord." Today Samantha and Cassidy tell us (and act out!) the story of Jesus traveling to get away to rest
Welcome to STAYCATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAY 4! Awesome are your feet ... they  LOVE like Jesus! Our theme verse today is John 13:34:  "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another." Today Savannah tells us the story of Jesus traveling
Welcome to STAYCATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAY 5! Awesome are your feet ... they GO into the world! Our theme verse today is Matthew 28:19: Â "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Today Rachel tells us the story