Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.  -1 Peter 4:10


Providence Presbyterian Preschool

The preschool has been an outreach ministry of Providence since its establishment in 1989.  We take great joy in helping to provide quality early childhood education for our community.

Church members and friends support the preschool through a variety of fund raising activities, special offerings, and help with special events.

For more information related to the Preschool, contact Preschool Director, Ashley Jennings:

Phone:  (804) 556- 7960



Providence Presbyterian Preschool

Louisa Food Pantry
Louisa Food box


Food Collections

We have frequent food collections to support the Goochland Cares Food Pantry (Goochland Cares) and the Louisa County Resource Council (Louisa Resource Council).  Members volunteer at both organizations and help us get food where it is needed most.

Backpack Blessings Program

During the summer months, we collect child-friendly food items for the Louisa Resource Council.  This program helps provide food for school children when they are not in school.

5 Cents a Meal Offering

On the last Sunday of the month, we collect this special offering.  Twice a year, the proceeds collected are split between the Goochland Cares Food Pantry and the Louisa Resource Council.

Relay for Life

As the American Cancer Society's most successful fundraiser and the organization's signature event, the mission of Relay for Life is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caretakers.

Our “Providence Cure-Chasers” always provide a valiant showing!

Relay - tom
advent wrap 2

Christmas Family

Every Christmas, our congregation “adopts” a family in Louisa County, providing gifts for the children and food items for the entire family.  We gather during our ADVENTure in Mission event to wrap the gifts and engage in other mission projects for our community.

advent packing barbara

Vacation Bible School

Every June we offer a week long Vacation Bible School for children (preK – 6thgrade).  Our middle and high school students often participate as helpers and leaders.

amelia vbs
Shirley VBS


La Gonave Haiti Partnership

Since 2009, our congregation has been supporting and partnering with a ministry to the village of Lotore, Haiti through the La Gonave Haiti Partnership.  We support their agricultural and school lunch programs through annual giving and special offerings.

We are proud to claim former member, Leslie Jordanger, as our missionary to Haiti.  We always look forward to her annual reports!

LaGonave Haiti Partnership

leslie group nurses haiti
S&S Dettweiler-first choice
Steve Children's message

Steve and Sonia Dettweiler

Organization:  The Wycliffe Bible Translators

Location: serving in Africa remotely from Lancaster, South Carolina

Steve and Sonia have been serving in Nigeria since 1991, equipping Nigerians to be engaged in Bible translation and language development. They are currently based in the U.S. while Steve pursues U.S. citizenship. Steve serves as a linguistics consultant, using his knowledge of Nigerian languages to promote clear and natural translations of Scripture. Sonia serves as administrative assistant to the SIL Area Director for Anglo-Lusophone Africa, an area which includes 30 countries in Africa. The Dettweilers thank God for open doors to contribute remotely from the U.S. to the work of Bible translation in Africa.

Providence has been supporting the Dettweilers since 1998 and was delighted to host them for a visit in the summer of 2017.

Wycliffe Missionaries - The Dettweilers

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

Every Easter we collect for this special offering of the PC(USA) which enables the Church to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need - here in the United States and around the world.  This offering assists by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, providing food for the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed.