What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? – Palm 116:12
Ways to Give
In addition to traditional offerings placed in the offering plate, there are several ways that you may financially give to and support the ministries of Providence:
Mail in your check offerings. Note in the memo section of your check the purpose of your offering (for example, General Offering, Legacy Fund, Special Offering – such as One Great Hour of Sharing, etc …) During this time of COVID-19 pandemic, it is most efficient if your checks are mailed directly to our church treasurer: David Cleal, PPC Treasurer, 6984 Cross County Rd, Mineral, VA 23117. If you prefer, you may also mail checks directly to our church PO box: Providence Presbyterian Church, PO Box 13, Gum Spring, VA 23065.
Set up automatic bill pay with your bank to make offerings on a schedule that best suits you. In this case, it may be best to use the church mailing address listed above.
Give online. We are currently working on implementing a new online giving system. In the meantime, you may give to Providence via PayPal if you have a PayPal account. If you do, simply sign in to your account and give to Providence using our email address: providencegumspring@gmail.com. David Cleal, our Treasurer, will receive notification of your giving.